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YM ka-Chat, Offline or Just Invisible? Now You Know!

Here’s a cool tip to find out if you’re chat mate is off-line or just in invisible mode (or worst, enabled the ‘Stealth mode’ so you wouldn’t bother him). :) There’s actually 4 ways of finding that out. Let’s enumerate and explain/test the best one, shall we? Doodle IMvironment Voice Chat Conference Invitation Stealth Setting Check Doodle Invironment Select the...

Group Chat for Gmail

Better late than never… Google’s Gmail finally has a feature for group chatting (which Yahoo’s Messenger has for, God knows how many years now). To start the chat conference simply do the following: Start a chat with a single person in your Contacts list. Once you’ve started the chat, click Options at the bottom left of your chat window and select Group Chat. In the field labeled ‘Add...

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