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Submit Article on Social Bookmarking Sites Faster Than A Speeding Bullet!

Since you already know how important Social Bookmarking is in promoting your blog/website – backlinks remember? I assume you’re already a member of some of them. The problem with submitting your post to social bookmarking sites is that there are more than a handful of it in the internet! How would you submit it to all (or most of them) spending the least time possible? Here’s how…  Use...

Social Bookmarking… What?

I am so new with this Social Bookmark sites! Like I said before, if I had known that this will greatly increase my backlinks (and consequently win the SEO contest on Google) I would have definitely used it to my advantage! Social Bookmarking Generally and in traditional term, a bookmark is something that helps you remember a specific page on a book, right? Social Bookmarking in computer/internet terms refers to...

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