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Pinoy Money Talk SEO Contest: I Give Up!

It’s still a few more days before the end of PMT’s SEO contest (March 14) but I finally gave up trying to complete with those SEO pros… ItsonmyTv, ShannonXJ, the guy behind Pinoy Compuworld, Rmil of BabyFace, and of course Jehzeel for topping Google for more than a couple of days It took some of my time and energy optimizing the ‘pinoy money talk’ keywords and I don’t think I...

Pinoy Banda’s ‘Pinoy Money Talk’ Update

Quick post for an update on PMT’s ‘pinoy money talk’ SEO contest.. As of this writing, Pimoy Banda’s entry is at first place on Google’s SERP (not including PMT’s site of course). As you can see, Jehzlau’s entry, which has been occupying the first spot for couple of days now (if not ever since the contest started) has been moved to second place. Well, of course Google...

Pinoy Money Talk

It’s game time! It’s embarrassing though that I have to learn this contest from other blogs that to pinoy money talk blog itself. To tell you honestly I am currently subscribed to pinoy money talk’s feeds. Pinoy Money Talkare one of the few really useful local Filipino blog sites there is! It is here at PMT that I’ve read about mutual funds and investing as well as news and stuff about...

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