Hobby – Family – Technology – More!

How I Conquered Yahoo!.. And Google na nga rin… :)

The recently concluded SEO contest by Marhgil taught a lot of bloggers a thing or two about keyword optimization and SEO in general. More than a handful of bloggers joined the contest. I’m not sure how many but I know there’s a lot to keep all of us on the edge of our sit right up to the end of the contest. Some bloggers gave us their technique, lesson learned and their game plan on how they approached...

Yahoo Loves Me! SEO Contest Update

Marhgil’s SEO contest will end very soon! Less than a week as a matter of butter. :), On January 4, 2007, 8:00pm he will be announcing the winner (or will get a screen capture) of the winners! All in all, I have submitted 4 entries. One here, Who Is Marhgil Macuha, one from AdayInALife Blog titled Marhgil Macuha, one from Pinoy Banda, titled Marhgil Macuha and one from… I forgot na.. hehehe. Yahoo Loves...

Marhgil Macuha on All Other Search Engine

Yesterday, I have posted my Marhgil Macuha SEO entry standing on Yahoo and Google. Both are doing good… Well, except for Yahoo, since the rule says that the post must be the one to optimize not the domain… Thanks to Charles for pointing that one out. Having posted my Google and Yahoo standing, it made me curious on how well I’m doing on other search engines. Here’s what I have to say…...

Marhgil Macuha on Google

We are burning hot! This morning when we posted our Marhgil on Yahoo, I checked again this afternoon and found out that my Marhgil Macuha contest entry is on page 1! How cool is that?! From this morning (and yesterday’s) Page 3 (no. 9) to today’s Page 1 number 3! I wonder how long this page 1 will last? hmmm….

Marhgil Macuha on Yahoo!

Good news (for me)! Here’s an update for my entry on Marhgil Macuha SEO contest. I’m on page 1 of Yahoo!! Second only to Macuha.com himself! hehehe I can almost smell that cool $50 paypal money now.. hehehe How about Google? F@#&*c Google! Darn Google.. :) … Sayang naman yung $100, :D Few weeks more!

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