Hobby – Family – Technology – More!

My First Ever Laptop: A NEO Empriva 540SVBe

Bought my very first ever laptop the day after Sean was born… Another one of my spur of the moment thing. Yep, I did bought a NEO Empriva 540SVBe laptop (with 1 GB computer memory, I thought it’s just 512MB) yesterday but it was totally not planned and not even discussed with the missus! It really was another incident of impulsive buying habit of Eli… tsk tsk.. bad Eli! I went to the nearest mall...

Asus Eee PC for Eli?

I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts about Asus’ cute little notebook called the Eee PC. I even have an office mate who bought one couple of weeks ago. Though I heard there’s a pink one, she bought the white cute little one. There are lots of hacks and programs and things you can do with the Eee PC. But let’s talk about the hardware and specs… All the units have a 900MHz Intel Celeron...

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