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Chocolate for the Kids, Soaps for the Titas

After office, we went out again. The original plan was to get and buy that digital camera (or a laptop) that my brother wants, a Sony DSCW300 (no codek requirements). But unfortunately, they were out of stock. Tried looking also for it on BestBuy (we were in Futureshop btw) but the same, nothing. NCIX was our next destination. Jon apparently wanted to buy that audio/video stereo thingy that Mike and Ever bought,...

Zones and ZFS Workshop

I suppose to post this on my SysAdmin blog, but i felt like I am neglecting this blog lately so I decided to have an update here as well… Although the topic is technical and work-related it’s still personal and still about Eli. Yesterday we had a few hours workshop (or a presentation if you may) it’s like a training. It’s like a ZFs and zone training (not CDL training). One of the UNIX guys...

Second Week Adsense Earnings

It’s time for the Google adsense earnings post again! Why? Because it’s Sunday? Why? Because I want to! Why? Because I remembered and because there’s not much to do in a homestay home… No more questions. Remember my first week adsense earning? Yeah, it’s a little over $80.. well, better check out this week’s moolah! Performance was better, I actually got the $1/hour thing!...

Early Valentines Day Celebration at the OC

Yep, that’s tonight.. February 09, 2008. Why? Coz it’s our last day of work… We’ll have our 4 days rest days, and we’ll be back by February 14.. eh may bisita, bawal mag celebrate. Another thing is we’ll be morning shift by then.. that’s why tonight is Valentine’s Day night here at the OC  

Lack Of Posts

I’m really really sorry for not being so vigorous on doing regular post for this blog in the past couple of days. LOTS of things are going inside my head! (Plus, I’ve been busy.) I’ve checked my last post and it has only been three days since I last made an entry… 3 days… Feels like 3 weeks! What happened for the past days? Well, the only big thing that happened to me was December 19,...

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