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YM ka-Chat, Offline or Just Invisible? Now You Know!

Here’s a cool tip to find out if you’re chat mate is off-line or just in invisible mode (or worst, enabled the ‘Stealth mode’ so you wouldn’t bother him). :) There’s actually 4 ways of finding that out. Let’s enumerate and explain/test the best one, shall we? Doodle IMvironment Voice Chat Conference Invitation Stealth Setting Check Doodle Invironment Select the...

Social Bookmarking… What?

I am so new with this Social Bookmark sites! Like I said before, if I had known that this will greatly increase my backlinks (and consequently win the SEO contest on Google) I would have definitely used it to my advantage! Social Bookmarking Generally and in traditional term, a bookmark is something that helps you remember a specific page on a book, right? Social Bookmarking in computer/internet terms refers to...

Playing FLV Files on Pocket PC

You can’t. I’m sorry, but Pocket PC as of this writing is not capable of playing FLV files nor it has a third party application that can do it. This is what I’ve discovered whey trying to play some download music video from Yoube on my XDA Zinc Pocket PC. What Are FLV Files? Basically, FLV files are flash video files. You’re maybe familiar with other flash video type, the .swf. Well,...

Subscribing to Blogger’s Blog (RSS)

I have lots and lots of blog mates using blogger. I even have a few of my own blogs hosted in it (but not that active anymore). Check out my links page to see my list of blogger blogmates. I used to visit all of those blogs everyday to check if there are some updates or some interesting kwento, and geesh that would take hours to complete! And then I learn about RSS subscriptions! Big Big Time Saver Imagine getting...

Upgrading WM5 To WM6 For XDA Zinc

Remember the headache I’m experiencing with my new phone? The, Blackout. It went blank even with 60% battery Not charging No signal. Intermittent on/off signal. and the very latest, unable to make outgoing call Well, for the unable to make outgoing call part, I think it’s now ok. What did I do? I upgraded the phone’s operating system (Windows Mobile 5) from WM5 to WM6. That’s one options I...

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