I’m not sure if i’ve mentioned on this blog that we were suppose to go to Avilon Zoo last Sunday.. If not I definitely mentioned it here. Anyway, the Avilon zoo adventure that we’re suppose to have last Sunday did not push through. It was raining so hard that when we got to Fairview Quezon City, we decided to go the the mall instead (bought the E-heads reunion concert CD,btw) right after our big...
In a recent news announcement, there is now an official first round of speakers for the forthcoming South by Southwest festival! South by Southwest, or better knows as SXSW is one of the largest musical even in the United States. It is always held in downtown Austin Texas and is attended by thousands of movie and music lovers! Here’s the more detail of the first round of speakers: South by Southwest gears up...
After office, we went out again. The original plan was to get and buy that digital camera (or a laptop) that my brother wants, a Sony DSCW300 (no codek requirements). But unfortunately, they were out of stock. Tried looking also for it on BestBuy (we were in Futureshop btw) but the same, nothing. NCIX was our next destination. Jon apparently wanted to buy that audio/video stereo thingy that Mike and Ever bought,...
Spent the whole afternoon in Vancouver today. Marito, one of the Unix guys at the office, drove us around Vancouver downtown, Stanley Park and Deer Park Lake, which is in Burnaby, btw. :) Great great day! Thanks a lot Marito! Will post some pics soon!.. in the mean time i’m composing my 3rd week September Adsense Earnings.
In case you haven’t heard, Maroon 5 will be having a one night only concert this March 5, 2008! Maroon 5 are: Adam Levine James Valentine Jesse Carmichael Mickey Maden, and Matt Flynn They have numerous number one songs from their debut album “Songs for Jane”. To name a few, This Love, She Will Be Loved, Harder To Breathe, The Sun etc. I recently made a comment on their sophomore album and made...