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My Movie Blog

Not many people knows this, but I’ve been doing some blogging about movies, music and money on WordPress for some time now, a little over a year (14 months to be exact). Since I love movies, making a blog about the movies I’ve seen is really a great idea! Plus that time, I planned of using it on some paid website.. then I found out that WordPress.com doesn’t not allow such things. But still I...

Pinoy Banda :: Local News and Gig Schedules

Being a music lover of different genres and to keep up with the news and what’s the latest in local Filipino bands, PinoyBanda.com was created. The blog features a collection of local Pinoy bands’ profile. Information that a fan is searching for will hopefully be provided on that band’s profile. Every month the blog also post a list of gig schedules so the bar hoppers and night outers can go ahead...

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