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Everything Eli is Moving… ?

Everything-Eli has been around (based on the archives) since January of last year! (not counting the bBlog days of blogging and the mano-a-mano blogging before that).

I like the URL and the site and everything that goes with it but, tao lang, walang kasiyahan.. :)

I’m thinking of getting a new domain and start all over again.


It’s all Marhgil‘s fault.. hehehe, I get excited whenever he has some SEO contest or when he’s giving away keywords to optimize.

When I joined the ‘pinay scandal‘ keyword optimization contest, that post became the most visited post on my blog! Geez, and to think I can’t even find it anywhere on the first few pages of Google.

Traffic is money so they say. But what is traffic if there’s no way to monetize it?

Google banned me for ever using Adsense and not just me but all of the site/blog that Google finds associated with me. It all began with Razile.comNasa huli talaga pagsisisi, tsk tsk.

So I’m thinking of getting another domain and start optimizing few keywords every month.

hmm.. what do you think?

6 Responses to “Everything Eli is Moving… ?”

  1. Reyn says:

    I think that’s a good idea.. new year, time for a new URL? :)

    kuya, napansin ko lang.. ang daming bumagsak sa 0 ang PR these past days..

  2. Elizar says:

    oo nga Reyn, may recent update ng PR ang Google eh… don’t know yet kung ano na naman ang basis..

    I guess continuation ng pag hunt ng paid post blogs

  3. Tom says:

    Eli, It’s maybe a good idea. Just wishing you good luck.

    As to PR, my blogspot blog flopped from 2 to zero – just recently signed up with PPP. I knew somebody with 2-month old blog, 4 contents, and little traffic but got PR2.

  4. marhgil says:

    sayang nga yung adsense.

    Here’s my tip para makapasok ka ulit. kuha ka ng bagong domain, register mo sa misis mo. create ka ng Google Adsense account, pangalan ng misis mo gamitin mo. Address, gamitin mo, ibang address, address ng in-laws? Yung address naman, for PIN verification lang, they will send the PIN sa address na yun. kapag nagpadala na ng bayad, Western Union na, kasama mo lagi misis mo pagkuha ng pera. hehe. At least, removed lahat ng traces ng dati mong account. Use a different IP when registering to Adsense. And don’t be tempted to add the adsense code to your existing sites na nadetect na nila na related sa banned account mo.

    In short, back to zero ka. Ok lang yun, it’s not yet too late to start.

  5. Elizar says:

    that’s exactly what I did marhgil! exactly! :)


    PIN nga is pinadala sa Sta. Rosa, hehehe, BUlacan ako.. :)

    pina txt ko nalnag sa pinsan nya.. :D

  6. Allen says:

    Unfortunately, I’m one of the victims of PR 0 . haha You will be getting a new domain? why o why?

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