The first time I ever saw an amazon online store (astore) was on Marhgil‘s blog. I did not put any notice to it back then.
But tonight, I read Sel’s blog about some digital camera on his online store. I clicked the link and thought, “Hey, that’s an amazon page”. I can do that and may be sell some of the things that I like!
What Do I Like?
Lots of things. I love music, maybe I can (and did) create an Amazon online store about musical instruments or CDs or a Beatles Online store! Cool! I also love books! Maybe a page for my Stephen King books collections.
Of course I could also create non-sense store like Cleveland golf clubs but where’s All About Eli there?
Added Bonus
Besides (a possible) commission for every items sold, having and Amazon Online Store of the things I live is perfect for the “Everything Eli” theme of this blog. I can talk about those stuff and probably sell them to you guys…. (Please buy ’em).
With this online store, I can’t see myself running out of stuffs to post.. :)
My Amazon Online Store
Here’s just the first two of my online store:
Coming soon:
Yep, another Lesson Learned.
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i’m glad that some of my visitors really learned lessons from what I posted. It inspires me.
Well, about the amazon store, i know you’ll earn much from it too. just try it.