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Google’s GPhone Will Be Out By Mid-2008?

Google Gphone

Remember my first post about Google’s Phone (gphone?) in early August?

The talked about ‘gphones’ may include Google online services and lets outside developers create applications (just like what Apple will be doing in February ’08)

Gphone Wireless Carries?

The Wall Street Journal and Reuters reported Tuesday evening that Google is in “serious discussions” with Verizon Wireless to put its mobile “GPhone” software on Verizon phones.

Gphone Hardware?

Wall Street Journal reports that Google may announce within the next two weeks that their advance software and services will be incorportaed to handsets in the middle of 2008.

We mentioned there that Google has already been talking with several handset manufacturers (LG in Korea?) and Taiwan’s HTC Corp.

There are also rumors that the actual GPhone may not be a phone after all but an Operating system that is embedded on (Verizon’s) existing and future phones.

Currently, Verizon phones are powered by either Microsoft’s Windows Mobile or Qualcomm’s BREW environment.

What do you think? It is possible right? After all, one of Google’s big business is advertising.

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