XDA Zinc comes with an application from Jeyo called Mobile RSS. I’ve been using Windows Mobile-powered PDA Phone for couple of years now and with this blogging mania that I am in right now, this is the best mobile app so far! Mobile RSS is currently my favorite application that come shipped with this PDA Phone.
It’s like there’s an RSS addiction on my blog life! I have RSS reader everywhere – Google Reader on my work computer, Thunderbird on my Linux home PC (and portableapps) and now Mobile RSS on my pocket PC phone!
What is Mobile RSS
Right now, it is configured to get updates when the phone is connected to the computer through ActiveSync. Although you can set it up to also get updates using GPRS (or 3G) but I prefer the Activesync one, it’s much cheaper (free)
Default Subscription
By default all subscriptions on Mobile RSS are classified as News, Technology, Pocket PC, Featured, Microsoft, Partners and (user defined probably) Favorites.
Among these only the News are updated or has new entries (of course, it’s the news).
For the first time in my life, I am updated with current events around the globe as well as the latest technology!
Nothing can be cooler than that!
How would I know about the Ex-Prime minister of Pakistan Bhutto’s failed assassination attempt, or the divorce of France’s President, or the riot of Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners with Israeli guards at a prison in the Negev desert other than from Mobile RSS!
Or on tech side – ipod development kit released, or the release of the Play Station 3 (cheaper than $100 now) or the clusters of Playstation 2 with a linux server or Tastebook Recipe , San francisco’s dream of citywide wireless network that can provide free access to all or that Hitachi will no longer sell personal computers and others more!
I tell you, Mobile RSS is keeping me so updated with all the stuff happening.
Now, if i could only import my Google reader subscription to it… That’s on my TO DOs.
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