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Upgrading WM5 To WM6 For XDA Zinc

O2 LogoRemember the headache I’m experiencing with my new phone?


  • Blackout. It went blank even with 60% battery
  • Not charging
  • No signal. Intermittent on/off signal.
  • and the very latest, unable to make outgoing call

Well, for the unable to make outgoing call part, I think it’s now ok.

What did I do?

I upgraded the phone’s operating system (Windows Mobile 5) from WM5 to WM6. That’s one options I have to make, since Smart Wireless center and Smart hotline couldn’t help me and guys from Airfagev probably have not experience it before.

I’m just glad that the upgrade went smoothly.

Anyway, in case anyone is interested, the ROM (both the WM5 and WM6) and the instruction on how to upgrade can be downloaded on O2’s official website.

You may need to register the phone though to get through, it’s a user only area.

If time permits, I’ll post the step by step instruction on how to upgrade XDA Zinc ROM.


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