Hey, why didn’t anybody told me that Google just celebrated its birthday a few days back? Well, the official date, as per wikipedia is September 7, 1998:
Google was co-founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were students at Stanford University and the company was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 7, 1998.
But there was a special logo that was displayed last September 27, 2007 so I guess that probably marks Google’s 9th year. Here’s what the logo looked like in case you didn’t noticed it:
So, Happy Birthday Google! You can invite me anytime if you have a post-birthday celebration party of some sort! :)
Oh by the way, if you’re curios of what Google index page looked like in 1997 and 1998 here they are respectively:
1997 – see the linux specific search page?
During their launch in 1998
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So that’s the reason why their logo was changed.I thought it was some kinda celebration for anything not because it was “kuya” google’s bday