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Everything Eli’s Planned Maintenance on October 1

I got an email from my web hosting company today. It made me think of Allen (which I read is down again tsk tsk) and Karlo’s previous hosting provider. I wonder if they were told before hand of the server’s downtime.

Anyway, here’s what they have to say:

Subject: Planned maintenance on October 1

Dear Valued Clients,

The purpose of this email is to inform you that we will be performing some maintenance on the server your account is hosted on. This will result in 10-20 minutes of offtime for your account.

The purpose of the downtime is: “we will be inspecting and potentially replacing a disk in this server’s RAID array. ”

This is in reference to account with IPs:

Should you have any questions about this please feel free to email or contact us.

MSWEBNetwork Solutions Company

So, for all my readers, visitors and RSS subscribers… all 5 of you.. *smile*, heads up… This is a planned outage/downtime.

5 Responses to “Everything Eli’s Planned Maintenance on October 1”

  1. N!cE says:

    hahaha! I’m one of those 5 rss subscriber Eli. :)
    happy weekend!

  2. Elizar says:

    hehehe, thanks very much for subscribing.. so at least informed about the downtime.. :)

  3. Well, at least you guys are being informed about downtimes. Me and Allen have been struggling everyday with their unannounced server downtimes. It really is a nightmare!

  4. Elizar says:

    yep, and i appreciated their gesture. Anyway, that’s part of their job naman..

  5. Allen says:

    yup! it’s better to be informed than to be offline without any warning. :D

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