Hobby – Family – Technology – More!

LAMP Programmer

I’ve been doing (well, actually I’m not) this project at work for some time now. I need to finish this. It has been in development for weeks now (if not months)…

I think I’ve mentioned this before in one of my post. It’s a (Weekly) Status Report web page wherein the members of the UNIX team can input their projects or activity or the server they’ve been working on for the past week.

It’s basically a LAMP server. LAMP is a Linux Apache Mysql Php server, for those who are not familiar and don’t mistake it with table lamp or something. :)

I wish I know a lot (or master) the PHP and/or Mysql programming… If I’m very good at it, maybe I could write my own layout here in WordPress… or better yet, maybe I can write my own WordPress, i.e. my own blog engine.

But I’m not.

I wish I am as good as George Linderman Jr. (He’s no way related to the villain of Heroes TV Series). He is however a very good LAMP programmer. To think he only does this as a hobby.

With a little patience and lots of study and practice, I’m sure I’ll master that too… I’ll start right now… Again… :)

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