Hobby – Family – Technology – More!


Matthew said, “Light!” at the same time pointing something at the ceiling!

We burst out laughing when we looked up and saw that there is indeed… Light! hahaha! cute cute cute! :)

3 Responses to “Light!”

  1. hu else? says:

    i love you,
    but do you love me?
    you say you do,
    but how do i know it’s real?i would never cheat on you,
    but are you that faithful?
    you say you would never cheat,
    but how do i know it’s true?

    i have loved you since i met you,
    but do you feel that strong for me?
    you say you do,
    but how do i know it’s in your heart?

    i have been real with you,
    but are you for real?
    you say what you say is true,
    but how do i know it’s the real you?

  2. tina says:

    waaa soo nice to hear a kid… learning how to talk… hehe

  3. Aya says:

    ang cute naman…

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