This page will be my place to put up my collection of some ways of earning money while surfing the internet or basically just being online.
This action was inspired by Google adsense. I just recieved my nth rejection from google. It’s alright, I can always try again… Even though the Marhgil, the google adsense master, gave me some tips on how to get approved, bokya parin .. :)
But will try again.
Anyway, first one is from Slash my Search. This website claims that they will pay you just by doing searches on their search engine and by setting your browser’s home page to their site.
I created an account to slashmysearch last week (less than a week as of this writing). I used it to search for anything I want. I use it as my homepage. I also refer this to my friends since there is also an extra income if someone you refer will register to the service.
So far here’s what i get:
There’s nothing to lose. I just continue what I’m doing on the internet – browse and surt – using SlashNSearch and I’ll continue to earn something. Try it too! Click here and register!
Another way of earning something while online si Hits4Pay. It will apparently pay you when you read (commercial) emails.
As shown in the banner, you’ll get $10 signup bonus free! You can request payment as soon as you’ve reached $20.
Start reading email and earn now! Try it! Again there’s nothing to lose and if you don’t want to do drug rehab post, its a nice alternative.
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