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My First Flash!

I did my first ROM upgrade today.. well, yesterday (night shift)

I think I’ll be doing again that why there’s the ‘first’


Thanks to Airfagev for the instruction and the steps on how to do it, specifilly to Master Lops! :) This community website has been online for quite some time now, ever since I got my first smartphone (tanager). I remember the first time I stumble upon the site (and take note, there was no stumble plugin then.. nor firefox). I was looking for freeware apps and themes for my smartphone.

Anyway, now I have my o2 XDA2. We’ve been together for almost 2 years now. And I’m still happy with it. So why the ROM flashing you might ask? We’ll I want to try out my brother’s HT820 headphones.. :) Yes, my brother who has this XDA exec also has this cool headset!

For those who want to do the same with their XDA2 (himalaya) you can find the instruction here.

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